Next chapter goes live October 17th

Next chapter goes live October 17th

Next chapter goes live October 17th.  🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕

Next chapter goes live

October 17th

Coming Soon: "Buried"

When a man awakens bound in a shallow grave and wrestles his way free, his thirst for revenge is stanched by the fact that he cannot remember who buried him.

One thing he does know—if he wants to go forward with his plans for a new life, he’ll need to hunt down his murderers before they cross paths with him.

They’re sure to notice that the man they killed isn’t dead—at least, not in the way they’ll expect him to be.


Sign up with the contact form below for first access to this shivery tale.

"Hunted Down" cover by M. T. Blanc, featuring a sinister figure at the heart of a jungle landscape, tagline: "A rival gone missing... A rescue gone wrong!"

Deep in the uncharted jungle, a shocking secret awaits discovery...

This dark little adventure follows a band of explorers who delve into the trees in search of a missing companion, only to end up in need of rescue themselves.

It speaks in the spirits of Lovecraft, Burroughs, and Poe, but with a modern twist.

Join the mailing list for free access to “Hunted Down”:

Coming soon: an adventurous little tale of horror in the jungle...

Sign up below for a sneak peek.

Podcast art for Star–Cross: Keen's Turn, featuring vampire fangs and subtitle "don't die in vein"


Lend me your ears, lend me your eyes, lend me any organs you can spare, and prepare yourself for a vampire story like no other.

Keen’s Turn is the first book in the Star–Cross series. An early version of the story is available as a free podcast, complete with transcripts, which serves as a teaser for the upcoming novel (similar, but polished until it sparkles like a twilit vampire).

Both are pulsing with thrills and chills, littered with miss-stakes, and cut with a biting sense of humor. More on the About page.

Find the early version online on one of the podcast platforms below, or read the chapter text free on Wattpad. Sign up for the mailing list to be alerted when the book comes out.

Chapter updates moonly.

Shhh. Listen.

Or listen free on: Castbox | Podcast Addict | Overcast | RSS

And many more. Search for it. Chapter text on Wattpad.

Support the Art(ist)

My tagline is not a joke.

Artist starving in jungles, urban and otherwise?

Food might be cheaper in the “otherwise” kind, but I’m not out of the jungle yet. Help me upgrade to a shack with fewer ants. The smaller sort likes to crawl inside my keyboard. The bigger sort, well—have you heard the expression “ants in your pants?” Sweet dreams. Don’t let the bed ants bite.

You know why they used to put canopies over beds? Watch the rafters for rats.

If they don’t fall on your face, something else will.

Hits the fan

At least I have one fan.

That reminds me of another expression…


Have a question, comment, concern? Want jungle updates? Scary stories? Talk to me.
Typewriter on desk
Red background ends in shiny drips